
  • Resume Revamp

    We’ve currently been hiring at work and I’ve seen about 200+ resumes in a short amount of time. While reviewing them, I made the realization that the visuals of a resume effected me more than I thought it would. Which made me also realize it might be time to update and upgrade my resume in terms of visuals, content and flow.

  • Connecting to ProtonMail Bridge with K-9 Mail on Android

    Recently I decided to look into moving away from GMail and start using a different mail service and landed on ProtonMail. My one gripe is their Android App is not great and has some nagging issues. So I wanted to see if I can use a much more well-known mail client for Android, K-9 Mail.

  • Removing Google Fonts & Other 3rd Parties

    Next on the list is to remove as many 3rd Party dependencies as I can. This change was a really quick one and thus a really short post.

  • Lazy Loading Images & WebP

    Next on my list of optimizations I wanted to accomplish (and eager to learn) was Lazy-loading of images and using a “modern” image format for the web.

  • postimg Materialize

    Working my way through optimizations I decided to pivot visuals for a little bit before going back. I’ve always been a fan of Material Design and figured I would give a shot at trying to implement some of their guidelines.

  • Removing FontAwesome

    Next target of optimizing on my Hugo site is to minify or remove FontAwesome. After a bit of investigating I decided to just remove it all and handle the SVGs that I will be using myself.

  • Minimizing CSS in Hugo

    First target of optimizing my Hugo site was scrubbing the CSS. I’ve been doing some manual cleaning of it, but also having automated scrubbing would be ideal.

  • Environment & Hosting Setup

    So here is a rough overview of how I setup my repos and hosting environment.

  • Hello Hugo

    The first topic that should talked about is the reasoning behind me choosing Hugo to make this site.

  • Hello World

    The last time I had a “proper” personal site was back in the Geocities/Angelfire days and figured it was a good time to make a new one.